Frequently Asked Questions
About Our Therapy Practice

I see that you specialize in a range of sexual issues. Does this mean you don’t work with individuals and couples on other nonsexual concerns such as depression, anxiety, or communication problems?

Not at all! We have years of training and experience working with the issues that commonly bring individuals and couples to treatment, such as depression, anxiety, low self esteem, life transitions, communication problems, etc. Our expertise in sexual concerns is an added dimension of our work.

How do I know if I have a sexual addiction or compulsion? I know my sexual behavior sometimes creates problems for me, but I don’t know whether it is truly an addiction.

Possible signs of compulsive or addictive sexual behavior could be if your behavior adversely affects your work, relationships, health, or other activities that are important to you. Also, having difficulty limiting the amount of time or money spent on your sexual activities may indicate a problem. During the evaluation, we can help you determine the level of concern.

What should I do if I am worried whether my partner has a sexual addiction or is having an affair?

Having these worries is already difficult since they are very painful to live with. You may find yourself anxiously looking for clues, such as monitoring emails, phone bills and credit cards. Or you may have confronted your partner with your suspicions, and then been unsure whether you can believe the response. You may alternate between guilt over your doubts to a gut level certainty that something is not adding up. While it may be hard to know exactly what is going on, your persistent concerns probably indicate something important has changed in the relationship. It can be useful to have a place to address these concerns. Of course, it would be most helpful if your partner would also be willing to come in as well.

I realize that my compulsive viewing of pornography has adversely affected my ability to be in a healthy relationship. If I have been looking at porn for years, is there hope of stopping?

Since the advent of the internet, online viewing of pornography has been labeled the “crack cocaine” of sexual acting out, with many people becoming addicted who would not have otherwise. While compulsive sexual behaviors do become more entrenched over time, there is always hope. If you are motivated and committed to the process, there is great reason to be optimistic. You are not alone, and like many others who have addressed this issue, you can create the life you want.

Do you work with all sexual orientations?

Yes, we work with clients of all orientations and lifestyles. Our job is to understand who you are, what you wish to accomplish, and to help you create the life that will bring you happiness and fulfillment.

How long is standard treatment for general therapy issues or for recovery problems?

This depends upon your difficulties and what you hope to accomplish. Factors include how long your problem has been occurring, whether the treatment has a single focus or there are multiple concerns, and your degree of motivation. We meet with people for an initial evaluation that results in a treatment plan. During this assessment, length of treatment can be addressed.

Serving the San Francisco Bay Area, East Bay, and Silicon Valley, including San Jose, Palo Alto, Los Gatos, Mountain View, Redwood City, San Mateo, Milpitas, Fremont, and Santa Cruz.
I. David Marcus, Ph.D.  •  408.313.3365
1600 The Alameda Suite 104, San Jose, CA 95126